Dillon County, South Carolina

>> Cemeteries



Contributed by Sheila Berry and Sandra Brumbles, 2002.

Direction: I copied the directions from Erie Cribb because he sent me directions that are so precise. Dempsey Cribb Cemetery --------------
Begin at the intersection at Fork, proceed South on Hwy 41 toward Mullins for about 1 mile. Turn left (East) and proceed on Buck Swamp Rd exactly 1 1/10 mile. Turn Right (South) onto a narrow, dirt, farm road.After you turn onto this road, you will see a small cow pasture and dwelling house on the left and woods on the right, Continue straight on South for exactly 4/10 mile and turn right at the edge of an open field. There is no road there but you can continue on with a woods hedge row on the right and a very large open field on the left. Continue on until you see a break (Open Space) on the right in the woods hedgerow. Stop here and as you sit in your car, look to the left across the field at about 10 or 11 o'clock. Approx halfway between where you are sitting and the woods beyond the open field is the location of where the Cemetery was. I was told by some old Timers in the area that there was a road in that direction on which the Cemetery adjoined. Remember, there is no road there now, and nothing else except an open farm field.

NOTE: With permission from Harry Jones, I was able to copy his survey on this cemetery. However, it is no longer there or I should say the headstones are no longer there. It was in the middle of a field and I guess the owner thought more of the land than the graves. The headstones have never been found.

Dempsey Cribb     born 1796-died 6/24/1877

Ann Cribb           died 10/16/1856